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Fundraising Goal:


  • $40,000 for campus enhancements

  • $20,000 to fund HSA school and community events

  • Funds raised above the $60,000 goal will go towards additional campus enhancements and needs

How do you get started?

Parents complete 3 easy steps:

  1. Register your child by visiting


  2. After registering, online donations may be made through your child’s webpage.

  3. Donations in cash & checks should be turned in to the school.

What is the
Saints Ultimate Challenge?

The Saints Ultimate Challenge is our only fundraiser for St. Edward’s Home and School Association.


The HSA funds go towards campus enhancements for our students in addition to supporting classroom needs, teacher appreciation days, fun school-wide social events, and more.


This year’s Saints Ultimate Challenge concludes with a Foam Run on Friday, October 11th.

When does fundraising begin?

You can start fundraising TODAY!


We will have a strong 2-week push of fundraising beginning September 23rd and ending at midnight on Friday, October 4th.


Classroom Prizes

  • Class average of $75/student = extra recess time

  • Class average of $150/student = Donuts

  • Class average of $250/student = snack cart visit

  • The top 2 classes, based on the average of funds raised by students, will match up for a Paint War and Chick-fil-A lunch.

Student Goals

We need 100% participation.

  • Just by registering, each student receives an out-of-uniform day.

  • Each student is encouraged to raise $250

  • Be an Overachiever Superstar by raising $500 or more!

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What are the HSA events?

  1. Teacher & Staff Back-to-School Breakfast

  2. Back to School Bash

  3. Donuts with Grown-ups

  4. Grandparents’ Day

  5. Fall Festival

  6. Christmas Luncheon for Teachers & Staff

  7. Winter Dance

  8. Evening of the Arts

  9. Teacher Appreciation Week

  10. Talent Show & Family Picnic

  11. Field Day

  12. Teacher’s Lounge supplies

  13. Student treats for various Feast Days


Student Incentives

If we hit $60,000, Father Bulso and Mrs. Blankenship will be doused in silly string by the top 7 students, the Lemonade War winner, Entrepreneur winner, and top sponsorship seller.

  • Registration = Out-of-Uniform Day

  • $50 raised = entry for drawing to be Principal or Assistant Principal for the Day

    • Every $50 raised earns another entry

    • Example: $500 is raised = 10 entries

  • $75 raised = Choose your seat or Homework pass

  • $250 raised = Duct tape Mrs. Blankenship and Dr. A to the wall

  • $500 raised = Superstar status and an afternoon at St. Edward Soda Shop with Chocolate Fountain treats

Campus Enhancements

We have many needs for our campus, and based on the success of the Saints Ultimate Challenge, we will fund the following projects:

  • Renovate restrooms in the gym

  • Repair gym floor, ceiling, and lighting

  • Refurbish athletic field

  • Build trophy case display for gym

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