Girls Uniforms
Solid green pique (polo) dress
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoe; White/black Keds brand saddle Oxford
Long-sleeve white t-shirt or turtle-neck (to wear under dress in cooler months)
Khaki shorts, skort, or pants for Friday Spiritwear Days (if you choose to participate)​​

K—4th Grades
Plaid jumper
White, peter-pan collared shirt (no logo)
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoe
Khaki shorts, skort, or pants for Friday Spiritwear Days (if you choose to participate)

5th—7th Grades
White Oxford with logo (long or short-sleeved)
Plaid skirt (NO SKORT; may wear a skirt with sewn-in shorts)
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoes
8th Grade
White Oxford with logo (long or short-sleeved)
Plaid skirt (NO SKORT; may wear a skirt with sewn-in shorts)
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoes
In addition to the shoe option above, 8th grade may also wear SAHARA ONLY Sperry Original Boat Shoe
Light, natural-looking make-up may be worn

Other Accessories:
Socks: Plain, WHITE Crew-Length or Knee Socks (ankle and no-show socks are not allowed)
Sock Exception: Altar Servers Must Wear Black Crew-Length Socks and Black Shoes on Mass Days.
BLACK Tights or Leggings UNDER Socks (optional during cool weather months)
Jewelry: (optional)
Earrings must be studs and only one pair allowed
A slim chain with a cross or religious medal
One watch, no smart watches allowed, including Fitbits
No tattoos, drawings, or writings on the skin
ALL HAIR ACCESSORIES must be solid Navy, Black, White, Uniform Plaid, or Uniform Colors (This includes rubberbands, bows, beads, headbands, barrettes, etc.)
No “extreme” hairstyles or hair color
Nail Polish is not allowed
Make-up is not allowed, except 8th Grade
Hats are not allowed
Outerwear, Jackets, and Hats
For indoors, must have school logo: Green pullover sweatshirt, green cardigan, or green quarter-zip fleece or sweatshirt (the green full-zip and the grey quarter-zip are no longer allowed indoors)
For outdoors ONLY: Jackets, hoodies, coats, gloves, and toboggans for cool weather months
Shirts must be appropriately sized (not too big or too small) and be tucked in.
Only the Peter-Pan collar may be worn under jumpers.
Solid white turtlenecks or solid white t-shirts may be worn underneath the uniform shirt.
Skirts and jumpers must be in good repair.
The skirt length in front and back should be no more than 3 inches from the floor while kneeling.
Black or navy “bike” shorts must be worn underneath the pique dress, jumpers, and skirts.
Girls in grades PreK-4th may want a pair of Khaki shorts, a skort, and/or Khaki pants for Spiritwear Days on Fridays.
Pants and shorts must be the correct uniform color, not too light or too dark.
No cargo pants or cargo shorts on Spiritwear Days.
Elastic waist shorts/pants only allowed in PreK-K.
Khaki shorts are NOT allowed on Spiritwear Days from November 1 to March 31.
Out of Uniform Days:
On a student’s birthday, she may come out of uniform. However, if the birthday falls on a School Mass day, then student may come out of uniform on the day before or after.
Girls may wear casual clothes that are modest and in good repair.
Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be 3 inches or less from the ground when kneeling.
Dresses and shirts must have sleeves and cover the shoulders, demonstrate a modest neckline, and not be too tight or expose the mid-riff.
Pants and shorts must fit appropriately and not be too tight; Pants and shorts cannot be frayed/“cutoff” and cannot have holes, rips, tears, or writing on them.
Leggings and jeggings cannot be worn as pants.
Clothing that promotes alcohol or other drug use is not allowed; clothing cannot bear profane, obscene, or vulgar messages or symbols.
Athletic shorts (only allowed on athletic days, such as Field Day, Saints Ultimate Challenge, etc.) must be AT LEAST mid-thigh length.
Boys Uniforms
PreK & Kindergarten
Green polo with logo (long or short-sleeved)
Twill khaki pants or shorts (may have an elastic waist)
Shorts are NOT allowed from November 1-March 31
Belts are optional
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoe​

1st—4th Grades
Green polo with logo (long or short-sleeved)
Twill khaki pants or shorts (NO ELASTIC WAIST)
Solid black or solid brown/khaki belt
Shorts are NOT allowed from November 1-March 31
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoe

​5th—7th Grades
White Oxford with logo (long or short-sleeved)
Twill khaki pants or shorts
Solid black or solid brown/khaki belt
Shorts are NOT allowed from November 1-March 31
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoe
8th Grade
White Oxford with logo (long or short-sleeved)
Uniform Tie
Twill khaki pants or shorts
Solid black or solid brown/khaki belt
Shorts are NOT allowed from November 1-March 31
Shoes: Solid white or solid black tennis shoe
Shoes: In addition to the shoe option above, 8th grade may also wear SAHARA ONLY Sperry Original Boat Shoe

Other Accessories:
Socks: Plain, White Crew-Length (ankle and no-show socks are not allowed)
Sock Exception: Altar Servers Must Wear Black Crew-Length Socks and Black Shoes on Mass Days.
Jewelry: (optional)
A slim chain with a cross or religious medal
One watch, no smart watches allowed, including Fitbits
No tattoos, drawings, or writings on the skin
Hair should be trimmed above the eyebrows, collar, and ears. It should be groomed and clean.
No “extreme” hair styles or hair color; Shaved designs and mohawks are not allowed.
Hats are not allowed
Outerwear, Jackets, and Hats
For indoors, must have school logo: Green pullover sweatshirt, green cardigan, or green quarter-zip fleece or sweatshirt (the green full-zip and the grey quarter-zip are no longer allowed indoors)
For outdoors ONLY: Jackets, hoodies, coats, gloves, and toboggans for cool weather months
Shirts must be appropriately sized (not too big or too small) and be tucked in.
Solid white turtlenecks or solid white t-shirts may be worn underneath uniform shirt.
8th Grade boys are required to wear a white oxford with logo and UNIFORM TIE every day.
Pants and shorts must be in good repair and fit appropriately at the waist.
Belt is required in grades 1st-8th.
Pants and shorts must be the correct Dennis uniform color, not too light or too dark.
No cargo pants or cargo shorts.
Elastic waist pants only allowed in PreK-K.
Shorts are NOT allowed from November 1 to March 31. ​
Out of Uniform Days:
On a student’s birthday, he may come out of uniform. However, if the birthday falls on a School Mass day, then student may come out of uniform on the day before or after.
Boys may wear casual clothes that are modest and in good repair.
Shirts must have sleeves and cannot be a tank top.
Shirts cannot be too tight or expose the mid-riff.
Pants and shorts must fit appropriately at the waist and not be too tight or too loose/sagging.
Pants and shorts cannot be frayed/“cut-off” and cannot have holes, rips, tears, or writing on them.
Clothing that promotes alcohol or other drug use is not allowed; clothing cannot bear profane, obscene, or vulgar messages or symbols.