2024-2025 Enrollment
We are so glad that you have chosen St. Edward School for your child. We are proud to provide a quality Catholic Education, based on faith, academics, and service – the qualities that represent our mission. The following document details important information for your re-enrollment.
Admission and Enrollment Policy
New Families
Attend an Open House or call the school office to schedule a tour.
Complete the application online Here. The application fee is $75 per family.
Following submission of the application, the school office staff will make contact to arrange for the Entrance Assessment, and/or Interview and Shadow Day.
The school will make a determination for admission, and notification/acceptance letters will be sent.
Within 14 days of receiving the acceptance communication, you will be given instructions to create a FACTS account and enroll. Students are NOT officially enrolled until the FACTS information is completed.​
Current Families
Go to the FACTS Family Portal
Go to the website https://www.factsmgt.com/
Click on Parent Log In at the top of the page (blue button), then FACTS Family Portal (ParentsWeb) from the drop-down.
Enter your username and password, be sure that Parent is selected, and click Login.
Complete Re-enrollment for 2024-25 via FACTS
Current families will receive an email from St. Edward/FACTS during the first week of January. This will begin your re-enrollment process for 2024-25. Follow the steps in the email.
Enrollment Fee is $175 per child.
Families save $100 per child if enrollment is completed by January 31, 2024.
Priority enrollment is given to current families until February 1, 2024. Then enrollment opens for all.
Apply for Financial Aid (qualifying families)
Submit application via FACTS by February 29, 2024.
2022 W-2 and completed 2021 tax return are needed.
Financial Aid decisions will be made by April 29, 2024.