The History of St. Edward School
In response to the rapid growth of South Nashville and overcrowded conditions at St. Patrick’s Church and School, the late Bishop Adrian established a new parish. Plans for a new church and school on Thompson Lane were set in motion, and in June 1952, Father Aaron Gildea was appointed as the first pastor of St. Edward Church. The Church and School were dedicated on June 21, 1952, by Bishop Adrian.
St. Edward School opened its doors on September 2, 1952, welcoming 142 students under the guidance of the Sisters of Mercy, with a staff of three sisters and one lay teacher. The following year, Father Paul Caldwell became the second pastor. In 1961, under the leadership of Father Ned Elliott, the parish expanded with the purchase of additional property and the construction of eight new classrooms and a library.
In 1969, Father Paul Hostettler began his tenure as pastor, followed by Father John Cain in 1971. By 1978, Father Pat Connor had joined St. Edward, overseeing a period of significant growth. The school’s faculty expanded to twenty members, including full-time teachers for art, music, library, and physical education. Father Connor also initiated the construction of the Family Life Center.
Father Joseph Patrick Breen arrived at St. Edward in October 1984. During his tenure, he made numerous improvements to the Church and School. The Church was completely renovated in 1991. The school’s curriculum was enhanced with a new computer lab, a full-time technology coordinator, a counselor, a learning center, and a reading teacher. Additionally, a covered pavilion was added, and playground equipment was upgraded.
In November 1999, construction was completed on new classrooms for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and 1st grade, along with religious education and church offices. The pastor’s rectory and a multi-purpose daycare room for afterschool and summer care programs were also incorporated into the new structure.
In June 1999, the school’s original elementary wing was severely damaged by a heavy rainstorm, leading to the roof’s collapse. Demolition of this wing was completed in January 2000, and by Fall 2000, construction was finished on the new facilities housing grades 1 through 4, the school cafeteria, teacher lounge, workroom, and school offices.
For over 50 years, St. Edward School has proudly served the Nashville community, offering a Catholic education centered on spiritual values, academic excellence, and social maturity. We celebrate the contributions of our parish, school, parents, students, pastors, teachers, and principals who have shaped our vibrant community.
Father Breen retired in 2014 after more than 30 years of dedicated service. He was succeeded by Fr. Mark Nolte, with Fr. Dan Reehil as associate pastor. After Fr. Mark returned to his home diocese in Omaha, Nebraska, in 2016, Fr. Dan Reehil became the pastor of St. Edward Church and School.